Transition Planning and Placement

Streamlined Transition Planning and Placement for Personalized Home Care

At Matched Health Resource Group, we play a vital role in coordinating the discharge process from hospitals, assessing patients’ needs, and identifying suitable home care agencies to provide the required level of care.

Our Transition Planning and Placement Care Services

By collaborating with healthcare providers, we streamline the transition process, ensuring better continuity of care for patients.

Care Assessment

We conduct comprehensive assessments of patients’ medical and non-medical needs to determine the appropriate level of care required at home.

Care Coordination

We collaborate with hospitals, physicians, and other healthcare professionals to create personalized care plans and ensure a smooth transition for patients.

Agency Selection

We identify and evaluate home care agencies based on their capabilities, quality of care, and compatibility with the patient’s needs.

Patient Education

We educate patients and their families about the available home care options, the benefits of transitioning to home care, and the services provided by selected agencies.

Communication and Follow-up

We facilitate effective communication between hospitals, patients, and home care agencies, ensuring all parties are informed about the patient’s condition, care plan, and any updates or changes.

Monitoring and Evaluation

We continuously monitor the patient’s progress and the quality of care provided by the selected home care agency. We conduct periodic evaluations to ensure patient satisfaction and address any issues that may arise.

Experience Compassionate Care at Home

We are committed to providing comprehensive care assessment and coordination services, ensuring a seamless transition to home care and meeting the unique needs of each patient with compassion and professionalism

We are dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate home care services, enhancing the well-being and quality of life for our clients.